5 Reasons You need a Mastermind Group NOW

Humber CTS
4 min readJan 29, 2021


Mastermind groups seem to be popping up everywhere these days.

What are they and why should you join one?

A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group used to help members learn and grow as managers and leaders with input and advice from the other group members.

Participants in the Managers Mastermind receive and contribute to evidence-based peer-to-peer advice that you can apply right away.

History 101

While the term mastermind was coined in 1925 by Napoleon Hill in his book The Law of Success, the concept has been around since the 1700s. Most notably, Benjamin Franklin established one he called “The Junto” that was a club for “mutual improvement”.[1] The members debated a wide range of topics, but its’ primary focus was on exchanging business knowledge.

Interestingly (despite the formal language), today’s masterminds focus on many of the same questions that the Junto explored, here are a sample of two from Franklin’s papers, from 1728:

1. Do you know of any fellow citizen, who has lately done a worthy action, deserving praise, and imitation? Or who has committed an error proper for us to be warned against and avoid? In what manner can the Junto, or any of them, assist you in any of your honourable designs?

2. Have you any weighty affair in hand, in which you think the advice of the Junto may be of service?[2]

This is the focus of most Mastermind groups — learn from your peer’s wins and losses. Emulate the wins, and avoid the losses.

The environment we are in and the people we surround ourselves with influence our performance and our results. When we surround ourselves with people who are operating at the next level, we tend to rise to meet them.

If we don’t rise with others, we tend to rely on our habits. You know the old saying: when you continue to do what you’ve always done, you get the same results. Mastermind programs are designed to move you from your old habits, into new ones focused on leadership, inclusivity, and relationships.

Top 5 Reasons You Need a Mastermind

1) You feel stuck and want to change

Mastermind groups are great when you feel in a rut. A group of like-minded people have likely also experienced a rut, and some can offer you their real-life tips, tricks, and strategies to help you move past it. Sometimes this unbiased real-life peer advice can resonate more than from an internal mentor, coach, or corporate facilitator. In fact — most really great corporate training you have is likely being facilitated so that you are sharing and absorbing knowledge more from your peers than you are from your instructor.

2) You need accountability & structure

Mastermind groups typically meet on a regular schedule. Rather than scheduling time to advance your skills or learning on your own, or with asynchronous e-learning — a scheduled face to face meeting with a seasoned coach/facilitator and some fresh new faces around the Zoom Call might be just that kick in the pants you need.

Mastermind sessions will often incorporate small assignments, reflections, or the ability to apply the learning between sessions. The idea that you have to “report-back” can be that extra incentive to really start making behavior changes that will lead you to success.

3) You want to learn from others and challenge yourself

Mastermind groups aren’t for those types who think they’ve got the answer to everything. A great mastermind participant is self-aware and craves the knowledge that others might have to share. They seek advice and are always looking for a new challenge to tackle. Maybe different industry perspectives, locations, maybe different career paths, or maybe something else might encourage you to step out of the box and think differently.

4) You are craving social interaction and community

Let’s be honest. Whether you’ve been in lockdown or not, 2020 has been pretty isolating. There is nothing more satisfying than a group of new peers helping you through challenges or cheering you on in a group. Think of it as your personal board of directors — offering sound advice, feedback, and support as you tackle your work challenges.

5) You want to find JOY at work

If you are in a rut, a group of like-minded peers is the best way to gain some perspective on your situation and to help find the joy in work that may suddenly be lacking. If you are used to giving your all to your team or staff, now’s a chance to give something back to YOU. Whether it is learning how to manage a tough boss or employee, or develop some new relationship, solving some of your work pet peeves can be an easy way to bring joy back to your 9–5.

Nicole North is a Sr. Learning & Development Manager at Humber College and is a seasoned coach and facilitator. If you are interested in participating in a Mastermind Group, reach out to corporatetraining@humber.ca or you can apply to be part of the next Manager’s Mastermind by Humber group here: http://bit.ly/ManagersMastermind1 .

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junto_(club)

[2] Benjamin Franklin, Political, Miscellaneous, and Philosophical Pieces, ed. Benjamin Vaughan, (London, 1779), pp. 533–6 http://franklinpapers.org/framedVolumes.jsp?vol=1&page=255a



Humber CTS

Humber Corporate Training Solutions (CTS) provides comprehensive, personalised learning that is future-focused and results-driven.